The OMV General Chapter elected Father Luis Constantine Rector Major

Fr. Luis Costantino, OMV
For a two weeks, from 11 to 23 July 2022, Oblates of the Virgin Mary from all over the world gathered at the University Residence Lanteri in Fontenay-aux-Roses, France (near Paris), for the General Chapter .
This General Chapter, the XXVII of the OMV Congregation was supposed to take place last year but Covid delayed this event.
The Chapter Fathers elected:
- Fr. Luis Alberto COSTANTINO ÁVILA, OMV - Rector Major (Argentina)
- Fr. Thomas CARZON, OMV - Vicar General (USA)
- Fr. François LAPOINTE, OMV - General Councillor (Canada)
- Fr. John Peter IDIO, OMV - General Councillor (Nigeria)
- Fr. Vincenzo VOCCIA, OMV - General Councillor (Italy)

OMV New General Council