Father Carlo Bozza re-elected Superior General of the Venturini Fathers

P. Carlo Bozza, CGS
The 14th General Chapter of the Congregation of Jesus Priest, entitled "Continuously questioned by the changing priestly world", met in Trent, and on 7 July elected its new government for a six-year term.
Fr Carlo Bozza was re-elected as Superior General, the Assistant General is Fr Giuseppe Stegagno, the other councillors are Fr Giovanni Mario Tirante, Fr Raphael Nunes Dias da Cunha and Br Antonio Lorenzi.
Fr Carlo Bozza, 70 years old from Padua, who has spent many years in Brazil, is therefore called for a second mandate to lead the Congregation founded in 1926 by Fr Mario Venturini.

Consiglio Generale Congregazione di Gesù Sacerdote