The General Chapter of the Josephites of Belgium re-elected Father Jacob Beya Kadumbu

Fr Jacob Beya Kadumbu, CJ
The Congregation of the Josephites (C.J.), known as 'Josephites of Belgium' or 'Institutum Josephitarum Gerardimontensium', held its General Chapter in Belgium during the month of July 2022, these are the results of the central government elections:
- Fr. Jacob Beya Kadumbu, C.J.(DR Congo) has been re-elected as Superior General.
- Fr. Peter Rossiter, C.J. (England) : Vicar General
- Fr. Michael Powell, C.J. (England) : First Councillor
- Fr. Joseph Bampembe Mpoto, C.J. (France) : Second Councillor
- Fr. Paul Janssens, C.J. (Belgium) : Third Councillor
Father Jacob Beya Kadumbu was born in Kakenge (DR Congo) on 22 August 1958. He made his first profession on 15 September 1980. He was ordained a priest on 12 July 1987.
He is the 19th Superior General since the foundation of the Congregation on 1 May 1817 by Canon Constant Guillaume Van Crombrugghe.

C.J. New General Team