The Congregation of the Passion prepares to celebrate 300 years of its foundation
It is a Jubilee Year and Holy Year for the sons of St. Paul of the Cross
The founding date was 22 November 1720, when 27-year-old Paolo Danei received the penitential garb of a hermit from his bishop and spiritual director, Bishop Arborio Gattinara in Alessandria (Italy), and he began a 40-day retreat in the cell of the Church of San Carlo in Castellazzo (Italy). During this period, he drafted the Rule of the future Congregation.

For this reason, the Jubilee will open on 22 November 2020 and end on 1 January 2022.
The theme of the Jubilee is "Renewing Our Mission: Gratitude, Prophecy, and Hope."
Formation personnel, young Passionists, and Passionist bishops will meet in Rome. Additionally, the Synod of the Congregation will be held.
only major public event will be the International Congress on the topic of
"The Wisdom of the Cross in a Pluralistic World" which will take
place at the Lateran University in Rome from 21 to 24 November 2021.