Solidarity within the USG
Finalcial aid - year 2021

During the 94th Assembly, which took place
online in November 2020 the Executive Council informed about the
financial aid of 50,000 Euros given to Solidarity South Sudan through the joint
project of the two Unions.
In the same assembly, some General Superiors
also suggested solidarity with those congregations, members of the USG, most
affected and in difficulty because of the pandemic. For this reason, a few months ago, the
Executive Council invited congregations that wished to do so, to present a
concrete project to be supported.
Eight congregations responded (Canonici regolari dell'Immacolata Concezione, Frères Missionnaires des Campagnes, Frères Josephites, Missionari della Consolata, Missionarie di S. Francesco di Sales, Opera Famiglia di Nazareth, Sacramentini, Verbum Dei) and they sent their requests for financial aid to carry out a project.
The applications were examined and approved by the Executive Council, which decided to divide the available amount (52,500.00 Euros) equally, reserving a fee for Solidarity with South Sudan.