Father Leonir Chiarello re-elected Superior General of the Scalabrinians

Fr. Leonir Mario Chiarello, CS
Father Leonir Mario Chiarello was re-elected Superior General of the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles (Scalabrinians) during the 16th General Chapter, held in Rocca di Papa, Rome.
Born in Brazil in 1967 and ordained a priest in 1995, Father Chiarello was encouraged to serve migrants and the congregation, following the example of St John Baptist Scalabrini.
Together with him, the members of the new General Council were also elected:
- P. Dias Caetano Carlos Miguel, Portuguese (first councillor, vicar general and bursar)
- P. Cisco Mariano, Italian (second councillor)
- P. Bettin Isaldo Antonio, Brazilian (third councillor)
- P. Madin Syrilus, Indonesian (fourth councillor and Procurator General)

New Scalabrinians General Council (2024-2030)