Re-elected Superior General of the Xaverians

18th General Chapter
The 18th General Chapter of the Xaverians was held in Bukavu (DR Congo) from 1 to 23 July 2023 and had as its theme: Loving our Xaverian vocation.
On 15 July, the Chapter members elected a new Father General, confirming Father Fernando Garcia Rodriguez for a second consecutive term.
In accepting this service, Father Fernando emphasised that he accepts in faith what the brothers have asked of him through the election. He concluded his speech by saying 'let us walk together'.
The confreres welcomed his 'yes' with applause and a fraternal embrace on behalf of the entire Xaverian Family.
On the 18th day of the General Chapter there was then the election of the Vicar General and the other Councillors.
Fr. Mauro Loda was elected Vicar General, Fr. Fabien Kalehezo was confirmed as Councillor. The other two are Fr. López Orozco Felipe de Jesús from Mexico and current Regional Superior of Japan, and Fr. Franciscus Xaverius Sudarmanto, non-capitular, and current Rector of the Jakarta Philosophate.
Fr. Fernando Garcia thanked the new members of the General Directorate for accepting this service and thanked Fr. Mario Mula, Fr. Eugenio Pulcini and Fr. Javier Pequero Pèrez for their 10 years of service to the Xaverian family.