Re-elected Fr. Carlos Luís Suárez Codorniú, Superior General of the Dehonians

The Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Dehonians) is celebrating its XXV General Chapter, which began on 16th June and will end on 5th July next.
On 21 June, Fr. Carlos Luís Suárez Codorniú was elected for a second term as Superior General of our religious Institute.
P. Carlos was born on 2 September 1965 in Las Palmas (Spain), made his first profession on 29 September 1984 and was ordained a priest on 14 September 1990. He received his Licentiate in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in 1995 and his Doctorate in Biblical Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Before being elected Superior General during the 2018 General Chapter, he belonged to the Region of Venezuela and served as Regional Councillor. He also held various academic and teaching positions at the Institute of Theology for Religious (ITER) in Caracas and at the Faculty of Theology of the Andrés Bello Catholic University of Caracas (UCAB). He has participated in various international experiences, both in Latin America and in other countries (Italy, India, Israel, Germany and the United States). He has worked in training at the International Theologate 'Juan María de la Cruz' in Caracas and accompanied marginalised young people.
The following religious were also elected General Councillors:
- P. Augustinus Guntoro
- P. Charles Aime Koudjou
- P. Levi dos Anjos Ferreira
- P. Renzo Brena
- P. Willyans Prado Rapozo

The theme of the XXV General Chapter is Called to be United in a Changing World - "that they may believe" (Jn 17:20).
The Chapter Assembly undertook to reflect on the religious life of Dehonians in the face of the challenges of a changing world. The General Chapter is an opportunity to redefine goals, make decisions and ensure the value of our Charism for the Church and the world.