Opera Don Orione, XV General Chapter, reconfirmed as Superior General Fr Tarcisio Vieira

On 14th June 2022, in Montebello della Battaglia (PV), the assembly of the XV General Chapter of the Sons of Divine Providence reconfirmed Fr Tarcisio Vieira as Superior General of the Opera Don Orione. Eighth successor of St Louis Orione, he is the first Brazilian at the head of the Little Work of Divine Providence.
Elected with him are Fr Maurizio Macchi, vicar general, Italian from Varese, where he was born 59 years ago, and Fr Walter Groppello, general bursar, from Zianigo (Venice), 54 years old. Also elected as general councillors were Fr Fernando Fornerod, born in Cordoba (Argentina), aged 57, Fr Pierre Assamouan Kouassi, born in Bonoua (Ivory Coast), aged 58, and Fr Fausto Franceschi, born in Trebaseleghe (Padua), aged 67.
Tarcísio Gregório Vieira was born on 25 May 1964, in Ouro Branco (Mg), Brazil, in a parish led by the Orionini. After his novitiate year he made his first religious vows on 5 January 1983, followed by perpetual profession on 12 January 1991. After philosophical-theological studies in Cotia and São Paulo, he was ordained a priest on 22 December 1991.
In the years following his ordination to the priesthood (1991-2000) he served as formator, provincial secretary and attaché in the apostolic nunciature in Brasilia. In the years 2000-2001 he studied in Rome for a licence in liturgy. From September 2001 he worked as an official of the Congregation of Bishops (2001-2008), with the post of vicar of the religious community in Rome Sette Sale. In December 2007 he was appointed general councillor of the Congregation. In 2010, after the XIII General Chapter, he returned to Brazil in Belo Horizonte and held the post of Vicar of the Philosophical Community, parish priest and provincial vicar.
In 2012 he was appointed provincial superior of the Province "Nossa Senhora de Fátima" (based in Brasilia), reconfirmed for the second time in 2014 until his election on 25 May 2016 as the eighth successor of Fr Luigi Orione at the XIV General Chapter of the Little Work of Divine Providence, held in Montebello della Battaglia (PV).
Article Agensir 15/06/2022