New Father General for the Josephites of Murialdo

The XXIV General Chapter of the Congregation of St. Joseph CSI
opened in Mexico City on May 27, 2024
On June 6, the eve of the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, at 5pm, the General Chapter of the Congregation of St. Joseph elected as Superior General, for the sexennium 2024/2030, Fr. Nadir Poletto, Brazilian, aged 54, born in Vista Alegre do Prata, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. He is the twelfth successor of Saint Leonard Murialdo.
His first words upon accepting office were:
"I thank everyone for their trust: I am sure that you will not fail to help me in this service you entrust me with, just as I am sure that the Grace of God will support me on the way'.
After the oath of office, the new Superior General received the act of homage and the embrace of the chapter brothers and guests. The ceremony ended with the singing of First Vespers of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, presided over by the Father General-elect, with at his side the Fathers General emeriti, Fr. Tullio Locatelli and Fr. Mario Aldegani.

The new General Council elected on 7 June is composed as follows:
- Fr. Alejandro Bazan, Vicar General
- Fr. Antonio Barone, General Bursar
- Fr. Victor Abreu, General Councillor
- Fr. Jacob Yeboah, General Councillor