Fr. Jonathan R. Licari New Abbot President of the American Cassinese Congregation of Benedictine Monasteries

The 54th General Chapter of the American Cassinese Congregation of Benedictine Monasteries elected Father Jonathan R. Licari, O.S.B., a monk of Saint John's Abbey in Collegeville, MN as the new Abbot President.
Father Jonathan was ordained a priest on May 15, 1976 and then joined the monastery making his first profession of monastic vows on July 11, 1982.
He holds a master degree in philosophy and a doctorate canon law. He taught at St. John's School of Theology Seminary and University from 1982-2001. Father Jonatan served as both sub-prior and prior of the monastery as well as pastor of the abbey parish, St. John the Baptist in Collegeville, Holy Name Parish in Medina and Seven Dolors in Albany, MN.
He has provided canonical services in the Dioceses of Duluth, and St. Cloud and served on the Congregation's canonical affairs committee. Father Johnathan also served as headmaster of St. John's Preparatory School in Collegeville from 2013-2018 and for the past three years as administrator of Mary Mother of the Church in Richmond, VA.
Father Jonathan brings 37-years of administrative experience in monastic and school governance to his new office as Abbot President.