MSSP General Chapter 2024: Fr. Martin Galea is the new Superior General

The Missionary Society of Saint Paul (MSSP) held its General Chapter in Malta, between the 19th of May and the 7th of June, 2024.
On the 5th of June, 2024 the Superior General and his General Council were elected. The new Superior General, Fr. Martin Galea MSSP hails from Malta and is 53 years old. He has a bachelor's degree in science, and after joining the MSSP he studied philosophy and theology in Malta. He furthered his studies in pastoral leadership in Dublin. Fr. Martin was ordained priest on June 26, 1998, after which he was prepared for the ministry of formation by studies in Rome. Since then, he was extensively involved in vocational work and formation, in both Malta and the Philippines. Additionally, he has been part of the General Administration for these last 18 years.
Joining him on the General Council will be Fr. Frank Cini as his Vicar General and
Fr. Bernard Falzon, both currently working in Malta, and Fr. Mario Micallef
currently assigned in Peru.