Look to the future in Sinodality: walking together in communion as Charismatic Families
Saturday 28 May 2022 At Casa Lasalle - Via Aurelia 476 Rome (Online registration not later than 20 May)

Dearest all, good morning!
The second annual appointment of all Charismatic Families is approaching, set for Saturday, May 28th.
And we can meet in person but ... not only! In fact, it seems wonderful for us to be able to continue the journey together, with as many as possible in the world, through online connection, as we have done in recent years.
For this reason, we propose two moments for the day consisting of:
1. the morning, with the participants in person, to share the synodal process experiences of each Charismatic Family.
2. the afternoon, also with the online participants, to walk together in synodality with an eye to the future.
Here attached is the Program for Saturday, May 28th, 2022.
Now, we add some practical information we kindly request you to follow. (You will also find that at the end of the attached Program)
1. Throughout the day, translations are planned in 4 languages: Italian, Spanish, English, French;
2. For online participation in the afternoon, the connection will be open at 2.40 pm;
3. Spanish-speaking online participants will access the Charismatic Families YouTube channel at the following link: https://youtube.com/channel/UC0evTGsA6xMrP9DppP6nirQ
4. All other participants online will access via Zoom at the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84200537996?pwd=Mi9nVTllQ01oK0VOazZlWklscFdHZz09
5. For participants in person from the morning, the participation fee is:
Euro 40,00 with lunch included;
Euro 30.00 without lunch.
6. To participate whether in person or through online connection, please register online no later than May 20th by filling out the following google form: https://forms.gle/xD64KpmYsGfq7oDy8
7. For any further information, please contact us at: famigliecarismatiche@gmail.com
you and with the hope of meeting not merely many, but a great many both in
person and online, we greet you fraternally and united with Pope Francis let us
pray together the Rosary for peace every day of May.
On behalf of the Executive Committee, Br. Rafa, Antonietta, Sr. Fiorella, Donatella