International Seminar Brazilian Tragedy: a risk to our Common Home?
4, 5 and 6 May 2021

The International Seminar
"Brazilian Tragedy: a risk to our Common Home?" will be held on the 4th, 5th
and 6th of May, completely online.
Religious, human rights and socio-biodiversity organizations are leading the initiative, which will include representatives from churches, researchers, activists, students and specialists from different fields.
The process of deconstructing democracy in Brazil experienced in recent years has led the country to multiple emergencies: in the religious area, with fundamentalisms, in the economic area, with the rupture of the welfare state, in the area of human rights, with the increasing violence and the murder of groups vulnerable due to their ethnic, racial, social, territorial and gender characteristics, in the area of socio-biodiversity, with the destruction of forests, biomes and native peoples, in the area of health, with the health crisis caused by the criminal administration of the coronavirus pandemic.
The denial policies of the federal government to adequately tackle the pandemic have transformed it into the most acute emergency among other emergencies. For this reason, the main objective of the Seminar is to analyze the current scenario of collapse in health systems and disregard for health policies referenced by science, in order to understand what risks the present framework may represent (or not) for the planet as a whole, for our Common Home.
"Over the course of these three days, we will deepen the analysis of the Brazilian situation in the light of pandemics and measure the impacts of fundamentalisms on democracy, the economy, socio-biodiversity and the health crisis," explained CONIC General-Secretary Romi Bencke, adding that the idea is also to "establish alliances and strategic actions".
How to participate?
The activity is free, virtual and will be open to all people. To follow, just access the social networks of the organizations promoting the event.
May 4th, 5th and 6th, 2021.
13:00 - 15:30 (GMT)
Support: ISER, PAD, CRB, REPAM Brasil
May 4th
Opening: Romi Bencke, General-Secretary of the National Council of Christian churches of Brazil
Artistic presentation:
13h00 -14h00
Panel 1 Temple and Democracy: The Risks for the Common Home
Rosane Borges: journalist, PhD in Communication Sciences, collaborating professor at Colabor (Communication Faculty of the University of São Paulo), researcher in the field of communication, imaginary, contemporary politics, race and gender relations, honorary advisor to the Collective Reinventing Education, a member of the group Aesthetics and avant-garde of CTR (ECA-USP), writer of Carta Capital magazine, of Editora Boitempo's blog. Author of several books, including: Mirror infidel: the black in Brazilian journalism (2004), Media and racism (2012), Sketches of a present time (2016).
Jessé José Freire de Souza: sociologist, university professor and Brazilian researcher who works in the areas of Social Theory, Brazilian social thought and theoretical / empirical studies on inequality and social classes in contemporary Brazil. He is the author of the books Brazilian Rabble, Radiography of the Coup d´Etat (an analysis of the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff in 2016), Setback Elite and Brazilian Middle Class in the Mirror.
International Guest: Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, Preses of the Bishops' Conference of the Church of Norway. Tveit was elected to the post of general secretary of the World Council of Churches on 27 August 2009. He entered office on 1 January 2010, for a proposed term of five years, and was re-elected to a second term in July 2014. He resigned from the post in March 2020, having been elected Preses of the Bishops' Conference of the Church of Norway.
Mediation: Bishop Marinez Bassoto, Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil.
14h15 às 15h30
Panel 2 Temple and Market: the threat of confluent fundamentalisms
Magali Cunha: PhD in Communication Sciences, Master in Social Memory and graduated in Social Communication (Journalism). She is a columnist for Carta Capital and is the author of Gospel Explosion: A look from the humanities on the contemporary evangelical scene.
Edmilson Schinelo: Master in Theology by Faculdades EST, Graduation in Philosophy Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, professor at Universidade Católica Dom Bosco - UCDB and advisor / collaborator at the Center for Biblical Studies
International Guest:
Mediation: Rev. Ma. Sônia Gomes Mota, Master in Theology, Executive Director of the Ecumenical Service Coordination (CESE); Integrates the Coordination of FEACT-Brazil and PAD
May 5th
13h00 -14h00
Prayer: indigenous spirituality
Panel 3 Human and Social Rights: aggravated inequalities
Benilda Brito: post-graduated in Psychopedagogy, Master in Social Management, integrates the DHESCA Platform, Consultant of the UN and the Nzinga-Collective of Black Women of Belo Horizonte and Activist for Education of the Malala network.
Ailton Krenak: indigenous leader, environmentalist, philosopher, poet and Brazilian writer. He organized the Alliance of Peoples of the Forest, which brings together riverside and indigenous communities in the Amazon. He is a commander of the Order of Cultural Merit of the Presidency of the Republic and an honorary doctor at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, in Minas Gerais. Published book: Ideas to postpone the end of the world.
International Guests: Monsenhor Bruno-Marie Duffé and Christine Jeangey, Dicastery for Integral Human Development
Mediation: Prof. Dr.Raimundo Barreto, associate professor at Princeton Theological Seminary, a Baptist pastor. He holds a PhD in religion and society from the Princeton Theological Seminary. Graduated from the Baptist Theological Seminary of the North and McAfee School of Theology / Mercer University.
Panel 4 Socio-biodiversity in asphyxiation: land, territories and threatened peoples
Luiz Marques: Graduated in Social Sciences at the State University of Campinas, Diplôme d'Études Approfondies (DEA) in Sociology of Art - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (1979) and PhD in Art History - EHESS. Published book: Capitalism and environmental collapse.
Nara Baré: the first woman to assume the leadership of the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations in the Brazilian Amazon (Coiab). Winner of the Franco-German Award for Human Rights and the Rule of Law in recognition of its commitment to the protection of the environment and the defense of indigenous rights.
International Guest: CIDSE - International family of Catholic social justice organizations
Mediation: Moema Miranda
May 6th
13h00 às 14h00
Panel 5 Pandemic and health crisis in Brazil
Gonzálo Vecina: graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Jundiaí, Master in Health Administration and Concentration from EAESP / FGV. He served as Municipal Secretary of Health of São Paulo, between 2003 and 2004, and National Secretary of Sanitary Vigilance at the Ministry of Health. He was the Chief Executive Officer of the National Agency for Sanitary Vigilance - ANVISA. Assistant Professor at USP's School of Public Health since 1988. Superintendent of Hospital Sírio Libanês since 2007.
Aida Cristina do Nascimento Silva: graduated in Sanitary Engineering from the Federal University of Bahia, Master in Environmental Technology and Water Resources from the University of Brasília and a doctorate in Public Health from the Federal University of Bahia. Invited professor at the Collective Health Institute / UFBA, researcher with a doctorate from the Foundation for the Support of Research in the State of Bahia, professor at the Polytechnic School - Federal University of Bahia, researcher and professor at the Gonçalo Muniz Research Center.
International Guest: LLM. Peter Prove, Director, Commission of the Churches on International Affairs at World Council of Churches
Mediação: Rev. Ma.Lusmarina Campos Garcia, theologian and Pastor of the Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil, Master in Law with specialty in Human Rights by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, member of the board of Institute for Religious Studies.
Panel 6 Strategies and guidelines
João Pedro Stédile: economist, activist and writer. He holds a degree in economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, and a postgraduate degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Marxist by training, Stédile is one of the greatest defenders of agrarian reform in Brazil and a leader at the Landless Rural Workers´ Movement.
Romi Márcia Bencke: Lutheran theologian and Pastor of the Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession of Brazil, Master in Sciences of Religion by the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Presently Bencke is the General-Secretary of the National Council of Christian Churches of Brazil.
International Guest: Thomas Fatheuer - KOBRA
Mediation: Daniel Seidel, master in Political Science at UnB, member of the Brazilian Commission for Justice and Peace (CBPJ), advisor to REPAM, is part of the national coordination of the Faith and Politics Movement.
Closing Prayer: Women's Choir of the Landless Rural Workers Movement