Integral Ecology facing extractive economies
USG/UISG Commission for JPIC - online and in presence meeting
18 September from 9:30am to 12:30am and from 2pm to 4pm (Rome Time)

The JPIC Commission USG-UISG and Churches
and Mining Network, in the spirit of the Season of Creation, invites people to
join the round table dialogue titled "Integral Ecology facing Extractive
economies. Communities affected by mining in Latin America".
This event invites religious, faith based organizations, and other people interested on this topic present in Rome and around the world to deepen the universal fraternity from the North-South dialogue in communities of solidarity in contexts martyred by mining. As a possible concrete work for institutes of faith and religious congregations, this webinar will share examples of Christian organizations which adopted a Samaritan economy that acts as an instrument of the Church's missionary action.
Join us on 18 September 2023 from 9:30am to 12:30am and from 2pm to 4pm (Rome Time). Translations will be available in English, Spanish and French and if there are people registered in Italian, it will be included.
If you want to participate in the meeting please fill out the following registration form:
Hybrid meeting:
- Online
- In presence: UISG Building - Piazza di Ponte S. Angelo 28, Rome