Fr. Stanley Lubungo, 2nd mandate as Superior General of the Missionaries of Africa

Father Stanley Lubungo was re-elected Superior General of the Missionaries of Africa during the XXIX General Chapter taking place in Rome from 13 May to 19 June.
Fr. Stanley Lubungo was born at Ndola (Zambia) on the 16th June 1967. He took his Missionary Oath in Toulouse on the 7th December 1996 and was ordained a priest in his native town on the 2nd August 1997. He worked as a missionary for a few years in Democratic Republic of Congo and was appointed, after a few years of studies in Rome and Dublin, as formator in Abidjan. He had just completed studies in Dogmatic Theology in Paris when he was appointed Provincial of Southern Africa on the 1st of July 2015. He was elected Superior General in the General Chapter of 2016 and re-elected in 2022.
The members of the General Council are:
- Fr. Francis BOMANSAAN (Ghana) Vic. Gral.
- Fr. Leo Laurence MARIA JOSEPH (India)
- Fr. Anselme K.A. TARPAGA (Burkina Faso)
- Fr. Pawel HULECKI (Poland)