Fr. Silvano Nicoletto, new Superior General of Stigmatines

The XXXVIII General Chapter of the Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata of Our Lord Jesus Christ, held in Rome, 1-18 February 2023, elected the new General Council, for the sexennium 2023-2029.
The new Superior General, Fr. Silvano Nicoletto, in a message to the Congregation, said, among other things:
"You know that the XXXVIII General Chapter thought of entrusting me with the mandate of Father General for the next sexennium. I am very grateful to the Chapter for putting me alongside councillors of whom I feel unworthy. Fr. Claudio Montolli is Vicar, Fr. Elizio Pereira da Anunciação Filho and Fr. Ambroise Kobenan Koffi second and third councillors respectively. I believe that our religious family should be grateful to Fr. Rubens Sodré Miranda and his Council for how he has accompanied us over these years. Not easy years when one thinks of how many impediments were caused by the pandemic; yet, despite this, we can all attest that in the most difficult and sometimes painful situations, we never felt alone and abandoned. His has been a paternal and secure guide...
The Chapter Fathers were summoned by the challenge to "Renew ourselves together to continue to be Stigmatines in the Church and in the World". Just by simply reading the title, we sense how the words suggest the idea of movement, of journey. The Planning Document given to us by the Chapter therefore represents the initial start of a path destined to take up, in the Church and in the World, many more challenges than we can foresee today. In short, it opens up a road to be travelled, indeed, together. And then, as someone said, 'As we walk, we open the Way'. This means that we cannot remain closed, turned backwards, perhaps for fear of making mistakes. Our limitations and our wounds, as well as our infidelities, frighten us, but let us not forget that the path to follow is that of the Master. Will we be able to?"