Fr. Michele Nicolis re-elected Procurator General of the Confederation of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri

From 1st to 9th October 2024 the XII General Congress of the Confederation of the Congregations of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri was held in Ariccia (RM) at the Divine Master House in which a delegation of all the 90 Oratorian Communities participated.
'The Confederation as a guarantee for the autonomy of the Congregations' was the theme of the Congress and was articulated in the three main reports given by Mgr Edoardo Aldo Cerrato, Bishop Emeritus of Ivrea, on life and mission in the Oratory.
During the Congress, the elections of the officers of the Order and of the Council of the Permanent Deputation for the sexennium 2024-2030 were held.
- Fr. Michele Nicolis as Procurator General
- Fr. Marco Guillen as Delegate of the Apostolic See
- Fr. Luciano Bella as Postulator General

To represent the different geographical areas in which the Oratorian Congregations are located, members of the Council of the Permanent Deputation were elected:
- Fr. Miguel Angel Garzon Moreno (ESP)
- Fr. Andrea Decaroli (ITA)
- Fr. Rocco Camillò (ITA)
- Fr. Mateusz Kiwior (POL)
- Fr. Paul Wodrazka (AUT)
- Fr. Daniel Utrecht (CAN)
- Fr. Said Martinez Alcantara (MEX)
- Fr. Roberto Umberto Romo Pantoja (COL)
- Fr. Michael Palud (JAM)