Father Salvatore Cimino reconfirmed Superior General of the Ardorini Missionaries 

Fr. Rosario Salvatore Cimino, POCR
Fr. Rosario Salvatore Cimino, POCR

On Saturday, July 9, during the 13th General Chapter, which gathered the representatives of the entire Congregation in their Mother House in Montalto Uffugo (CS), Father Salvatore Cimino, 50, was reconfirmed as Superior General of the Congregation of the Pii Operai Catechisti Rurali, popularly known as the Ardorini Missionaries, founded in 1928 in Montalto Uffugo (CS) by the priest Gaetano Mauro, Servant of God whose cause for canonisation is underway.

Father Salvatore will be able to count on the collaboration of four other Brothers who together with him constitute the General Government: Father Antonio De Rose, General Vicar, Father Renato Gaglianone, General Bursar, and the Colombian Brothers Father Gerardo Naranjo Silva and Father Edwin Muñoz Bahos, General Councillors.

Father Salvatore and his Council now have the task of continuing to lead the Congregation, now present on four continents (Italy, Canada, Colombia, India and Tanzania) and keep the Founder's dream alive:

 "Rural life is either a life of faith, or a life of torment. The privations that living among the fields imposes, if they are not comforted, enriched by faith, become unbearable torment. The solitude of dispersed farmhouses, if not filled with God, is desolating desert. The same social and recreational works, created for the relief of the inhabitants of the countryside, are, by themselves, insufficient... We were born to fill this loneliness, bringing to those who need it so much, even in their homesteads, the thought of God, the word of God, the presence of God'.

General Council of the Ardorini Missionaries
General Council of the Ardorini Missionaries

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