Father Benedetto Picca, Superior General of the Holy Family of Nazareth

Father Benedetto Picca is the new superior general of the Congregation of the Holy Family of Nazareth, founded by St John Baptist Piamarta from Brescia. He was elected by the 14th general chapter, which had as its theme "Educating today in the charism of St John Baptist Piamarta" and was held in the house of Sant'Obizio in Angolo Terme, in Val Camonica, Lombardy.
Picca is the successor of Father Giancarlo Caprini, who led the Congregation
for six years. He was born in Barletta in 1959, graduated from high school in
Genoa, made his first profession of vows in 1993 and was ordained a priest in
1995, in Brescia, where he carried out his pastoral and educational ministry at
the Istituto Santa Maria di Nazareth.
Then he moved to the provinces of Latina and Rome, and later returned to
the province of Brescia.
He is a teacher at the Bonsignori Institute in
Remedello and a member of the Scaip board.