The General Chapter of the Brothers of Our Lady of Lourdes re-elected Ton Houdé as Superior General

The Congregation of Brothers of Our Lady of Lourdes held its 27th General Chapter in Denekamp, in the convent of the Franciscan Sisters of Denekamp (Netherlands).
The 20 chapter members and staff (interpreters, guest speakers, secretariat) were able to discuss the past term of office in a serene and pleasant atmosphere and to outline the policy for the next six years.
On August 25, the chapter members elected a new general executive for the term of office 2022-2028.
The following brothers were given the confidence of the general chapter:
- General Superior Brother Ton Houdé (re-elected) (Netherlands) 3-Nov-1943
- Substitute Brother Herman Yosef Gultom - (Indonesia) 30-May-1980
- Council Member Brother Franklin Clemencia - (Curacao) 5-March-1949
- Council Member Brother Hugo Fahik - (Indonesia) 2-Aug-1980
- Council Member Brother Albertus Komang Alit - (Indonesia) 3-May-1980
Brother Ton Houdé was re-elected for a second term of office. Brother Ton comes from the Netherlands and lived and worked for decades in Spain and Brazil before becoming Superior General. He is fluent in Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and English.
Three board members are from Indonesia. One member lives on Curaçao.
The theme of the General Chapter was Dedication to Good Works. This is a reference to the original name of the Congregation, i.e. Brothers of Good Works.
The Congregation was founded in Belgium in 1830 and is today present in Indonesia, Brazil, Ethiopia, DR Congo, Curacao, Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain.
(Source : Generalaat, Belgium)