Br. Paul O'Keeffee the new congregational Leader of the Patrician Brothers

Br. Paul O'Keeffee, FSP
Brother Paul O'Keeffee is the new leader of the Congregation of the Brothers of St Patrick. Born 70 years ago in Australia, he is the successor to Brother Peter Ryan.
Br. Paul grew up in Seven Hills, western Sydney, and made his first profession in 1972, at the age of 19. He served as teacher and principal in Sydney, Papua New Guinea and Thursday Island, as novice leader in Papua New Guinea, and then as leader of the Australia-Papua New Guinea Province.
"I see my role essentially as calling the brothers to be faithful to the commitment they've made through their vows and to the congregation.
The life of a Patrician Brother is all about the 'God quest'.
It's not about kingdom-building for ourselves or even kingdom-building for the congregation—we're all about a journey that involves God. That's why we became brothers."